NDT certification creates an industry standard for evaluation and testing, ensuring every inspector has the knowledge and experience to make the right judgments in the field. There are several Testing Disciplines within NDT, each with its own certification qualifications. Trainees must receive certifications in each of the methods they use to display their experience and competence in each discipline.

During the certification process, trainees are required to complete a specific number of classroom learning and on-the-job experience hours, as well as written and practical exams. After meeting these requirements, technicians are qualified to gain their certification, which may be given by either their employer or a third-party agency.

NDT Training at NIA

At NIA, we offer courses for technicians looking to fulfill the classroom learning and examination requirements before gaining certification through another party. We also partner with companies to evaluate their NDT training programs and certify their employees.

NDT Certification Levels

There are three levels of qualifications within NDT certification, Level I, Level II, and Level III.

NDT Level I

Level I inspectors are also limited in their qualifications and can only perform certain tests and calibrations. As the first level of NDT certification, technicians typically work under a supervisor who has a higher certification.

NDT Level II

To gain Level II certification, technicians have to be familiar with the standards, codes, and specifications used for the method they’re qualified for.

These inspectors should be able to competently set up, calibrate, and use the necessary equipment before interpreting and evaluating the results. They can act as supervisors and trainers for Level I and Level I Limited technicians.


As the highest level of certification, Level III technicians must demonstrate familiarity with several NDT testing disciplines in their examinations. Level III inspectors must also meet one of these requirements:

Possess a degree in engineering or science from a university or college with a minimum one year of Level II experience in the specific NDT discipline(s)

Passed at least two years of science or engineering study at a college, university, or technical school with two years of Level II experience in the specific NDT discipline(s)

Gained four years of Level II experience in the specific NDT discipline(s)

These inspectors can develop procedures and techniques; interpret codes, specifications, and standards; and determine the methods, procedures, and techniques used for particular cases. Level III technicians train, supervise, and test Level I and IIs. Many also hold administrative, management, or supervisor positions. They can also own testing laboratories or serve as NDT consultants.