Ultrasonic Testing Online Training

UT Level I, Level II Online Training Course

Combined UT Level I / II Online Only Training Course

About Our Online Courses

At National Inspection Academy, we provide high-quality online training courses designed to help individuals and companies gain the skills needed for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). Our online courses are self-paced, accessible from anywhere, and meet industry standards for training.

Why Choose Our Online Courses?

What is Ultrasonic Testing?

Ultrasonic Testing (UT) is a common method used in nondestructive testing (NDT) to find and measure flaws inside materials. It is mainly used to detect and examine internal defects, but it can also find surface flaws, check bond strength, and measure thickness.

This method works by sending high-frequency sound waves into a material. These waves move through the material but lose some energy along the way. When they hit a different surface or defect, they bounce back (reflect). By studying these reflected waves, experts can find out where defects are and how big they might be.

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