NDT Certification Guide

Before diving into NDT Training, it is important to understand the distinction and relationship between
Training and Certification in Nondestructive Testing (NDT).

ASNT & NDT Training
and Certifications
Types of Certification Exams
given by NDT Employers

General NDT Training and Certification is outlined in ASNT SNT-TC-1A. This doc explains the required number of formal training hours necessary for NDT certification. 

However, certification also involves on-the-job training (OJT) and general experience.

Each NDT method has specific hour requirements, which are detailed in ASNT SNT-TC-1A.

1. General Exam – A multiple-choice test covering common NDT theory.

2. Specific Exam – An open-book test assessing understanding of an inspection procedure.

3. Practical Exam – A hands-on assessment where the candidate performs an inspection on a flawed component to simulate real-world conditions.