NDT Certification Guide
Before diving into NDT Training, it is important to understand the distinction and relationship between
Training and Certification in Nondestructive Testing (NDT).
ASNT & NDT Training
and Certifications
Types of Certification Exams
given by NDT Employers
General NDT Training and Certification is outlined in ASNT SNT-TC-1A. This doc explains the required number of formal training hours necessary for NDT certification.
However, certification also involves on-the-job training (OJT) and general experience.
Each NDT method has specific hour requirements, which are detailed in ASNT SNT-TC-1A.
1. General Exam – A multiple-choice test covering common NDT theory.
2. Specific Exam – An open-book test assessing understanding of an inspection procedure.
3. Practical Exam – A hands-on assessment where the candidate performs an inspection on a flawed component to simulate real-world conditions.
NDT Certification – Key Points
• Certification is issued by the employer. If an employee leaves Company A, they must retest at Company B.
• Formal training and On the Job (OJT) follow the individual, but certification does not.
• Centralized certifications like ASNT Level III, are different from employer-based certifications.
NDT Career Program
The NDT Career Program is a comprehensive training solution for individuals new to the inspection industry.
Our NDT Career Program provides the formal training hours required for seven commonly used NDT methods and includes a 40-hour Radiation Safety course.
• Designed to equip students with the foundational knowledge employers look for when hiring entry-level assistants.
• Helps students begin On the Job Training (OJT) to achieve certification.
• Consists of 400 hours of online training — followed by 15 days of hands-on training at our Minnesota facility.
Hybrid Training Courses
NIA’s Hybrid courses cover the same content as the NDT Career Program but can be purchased individually.
NIA’s Hybrid curriculum is ideal for professionals who only need training in a specific method.
• The training begins online and concludes with hands-on training at our Minnesota facility.
• Best practice would be to have them join in during the hands-on portion of the NDT Career Program.
They would join the class for those certain days for that method and be complete.
Online-Only Courses
Online-only courses consist of the first portion of the hybrid courses, but without the hands-on training modules.
• Instead of hands-on in Minnesota, these courses include procedure and code review to make up for the lack of hands-on training time.
• While online-only training is sometimes debated in the NDT industry, it is becoming more widely accepted as a necessary option due to modern learning and living trends.
Continuing Education Units (CEU)
CEU courses are shorter, lower-cost versions of NIA’s online courses.
• CEU courses are intended for third-party, certified individuals who need recertification points.
• ASNT Level III professionals, for example, must earn 25 points every five years through teaching, coursework, and writing articles.
• CEU courses do not count toward certification, as they are not long enough to meet formal training requirements.