Eddy Current Online Training

ECT Level I, Level II Online Training Course

Combined ECT Level I / II Online Only Training Course

About Our Online Courses

At National Inspection Academy, we provide high-quality online training courses designed to help individuals and companies gain the skills needed for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). Our online courses are self-paced, accessible from anywhere, and meet industry standards for training.

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What is Eddy Current Testing?

Eddy Current Testing (ECT) is a nondestructive testing (NDT) method that uses electricity and magnetism to find defects in materials. In this method, an alternating current flows through a coil, creating a magnetic field. This magnetic field then produces small electrical currents, called eddy currents, in the test object. If there is a flaw, like a crack, it disrupts the flow of these currents and changes the coil’s electrical response. By analyzing these changes, inspectors can determine the location and size of the defect.

ECT is commonly used to inspect welds, measure conductivity, and check material properties like grain size, hardness, and thickness. It can also identify differences in material composition, magnetic properties, and heat treatment conditions. Additionally, it helps measure the thickness of coatings and plating on various materials. Eddy current testing is widely used in industries such as oil and gas, nuclear power, energy production, and aerospace.

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