Nondestructive testing (NDT) is a vital activity in the power-generation sector, not only for safety reasons, but to ensure optimum generating efficiency is achieved and maximum operating life is...
Ultrasonic technology has been used for testing ERW welded pipe at various points in the manufacturing process for many years. ERW pipes are manufactured by cold forming a strip...
For more than 50 years, quality control practitioners have relied upon ultrasonic techniques as a way to nondestructively gage the thickness of manufacturing materials. In the early days, these...
These tips will help you select the type of ultrasonic transducer best suited for your NDT application. The high-frequency sound waves used for flaw detection and thickness gauging in...
Regardless of the recent advancements in ultrasonic flaw detectors, ultrasonic software and, phased array ultrasonic testing technology, the best practice for ultrasonic shear wave inspectors remains the ability to...
Some modern NDT technology has ancient roots. Hundreds of years ago, foundry workers used sound waves to test the integrity of metal castings by tapping them with a hammer...
Ultrasonic technology has been a standard inspection technology for decades; it is a reliable means to nondestructively gage the thickness of materials. With advances in electronics and digital signal...
Internal reflections within ultrasonic transducers are a source of false signals that remain static on the screen of the ultrasonic testing machine, causing obstruction and hindrance in the detection...
Selecting the right inspection equipment poses challenges for both service companies that need to maximize use of their ultrasound inspection units and asset owners across multiple industries that seek...
What is the source of an indication? Does the reflector result from weld geometry or an actual discontinuity? Once it has been determined that an indication is from a...