National Inspection Academy Founders
NDT Instructor
Brent Moulton

Brent is an ASNT Level III in Ultrasonic Testing and Magnetic Particle Testing and holds an ASNT IRRSP card for X- and Gamma radiography. He is also a certified Level II in RT, ECT, VT and PT.
Mr. Moulton began his NDT career in 2016, with a focus in the Petro-chemical industry. Brent quickly developed his NDT skills and became a highly sought after NDT professional. With a passion for travel, Brent has worked all across the Midwest, Texas and Alaska.
Brent specializes in Ultrasonic Testing, Radiographic Testing, Eddy Current Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing, Liquid Penetrant Testing, and specialized rope access inspections.
In 2021 Brent was selected by the American Society of Nondestructive Testing as one of the “Faces of NDT”. His role is to represent ASNT and NDT to the world community at large providing insight and knowledge into the world of Nondestructive Testing.
He is an active ASNT member and serves as the Chair of the T&E Technicians Resource Development Sub-committee as well as active member of the Technical and Education Council and Standards Development Council.